In This article, we will discuss “How Much Do Bloggers Make“, If you are new to blogging or want to start a blogging website then I will suggest you for BlueHost Hosting Because They Are Good In Everything.

If you haven’t decided yet on which topic you should start your blogging website then this post will help you in choosing the best niche to start your blog right now.

Let’s Take A Look At Types Of Blogging and Their Earnings

  • Part-Time Blogging Some Bloggers Blogging Part-Time to boost their income and they can earn up to $ 1000 per month.
  • The Hobbyist One Generally these types of bloggers, blogging with their habit and their aim is not to make money but they follow their habit but it doesn’t mean they can not make money, they can make money but they have to monetize their content with ads or they can also do affiliate marketing but still these types of bloggers do blogging because of their habit not to earn money.
  • Full-Time Blogger These Bloggers work full-time on blogging and they have only their focus on blogging so these types of bloggers earn money between $ 1 to $ 5000 only through advertising and they can make more by using some more options to monetize their content.

Now See The below image for a clear understanding of the earnings of all types of bloggers

how much do bloggers make

A survey by the trusted website of 1,500 Beginner and Pro Blogger on how much do bloggers make said 10% of total bloggers make nothing and 63% of them make $ 1 to $ 100 per month.

but you can take the positive side because 37%  of them are making more than $ 100 per month

So yes – while not everyone is going to make anything, you do have an opportunity of making money if you put your hard work and smart work into it.

Now, To Be Honest, In another survey by of 1000 bloggers, they have been asked how much money they were making

  • 81% never make $100 from blogging
  • 8% make enough money to support a family
  • 2% make $150K+ blogging 1-2 hours a day
  • 9% do blogging 4-6 hours a day

I think these two surveys are helping you to understand the “How Much Do Bloggers Make”, 

The right way to make money blogging

Now the most popular reason why most starter blogger doesn’t make any single dollar is because they start blogging with no interest they only think about money and they don’t think about their interest now to start blogging you should keep these three points in your mind.

how much do bloggers make

  1. You must choose your interest, your passion, you don’t need to choose high CPC  NIches. If you are choosing your interest then one day you will make enough income to make run your family with a wonderful life.
  2. Good things take time, If you have just started blogging and except $1 then you are in the wrong way, you should have some patience, Because good things take time to happen.
  3. Smart work is more important than hard work, If you are working in the wrong manner then you will not earn a single penny from your blog, To rank in google there are some steps to follow, you need to work smartly to rank no 1 in google. and there is no advantage of a good blog if no one is reading that blog. So make sure you are working outside your website to make your blog rank.

10 Effective Tips To Write Better Blog, Read this article to get the top 10 tips from my past experience and avoid many mistakes that a beginner does.

Most Important Factors To Keep In Mind

While you are starting a blog, you must have some patience because most of the blogger who started blogging doesn’t have patience and they give up with in 1 year due to no earning so my advise to all of you is that

When you start blogging or something, don’t think about money, Improve your content day by day and one day you have more and more choices to earn money.

I hope you have just enjoyed my content and you also have learned something and if there is something that I have missed or if you have any question then please mention your query in the comment section, I will be happy to answer all your queries

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