Are you looking for a detailed Generateblocks vs Kadence Blocks comparison in 2024?

If yes, You are on the right page.

GeneratePress theme and Kadence theme both offer their page builder plugin which we called GenerateBlocks and Kadence Blocks.

Kadence Block and GenerateBlocks both are freemium WordPress page builder plugins.

That means they offer a free and paid version of the plugin.

In this article, I will compare GenerateBlocks and Kadence blocks based on:

  • Top-notch features
  • Pros & Cons
  • Free and premium features
  • Pricing Value & Discount
  • Real customer reviews on both page builder plugins
  • And lots more.

So, at the end of the post, you will get to know which page builder plugin or Gutenberg editor is the best for your website.

Without further delay let’s get started.

GenerateBlocks vs Kadence Blocks Comparison

There are lots of powerful page builder plugins available in the market like Elementor, Thrive Architect, Beaver Builder, etc.

However, using these page builder plugins can increase the page load time of your website.

And page load time or website speed matters most in Search Engine Optimization.

That’s why GeneratePress and Kadence both come with their own block plugin that is lightweight, SEO friendly, mobile friendly, and doesn’t increase load time.

Before I start my GenerateBlocks vs Kadence blocks comparison, let me show you some amazing factors based on my own research and experience.

Keyword Research Comparison

When I compare both plugins on Google trends to know the popularity of these plugins, I see the popularity of these blocks plugins are quite similar.

Here is the result of the past 12 months.

GenerateBlocks vs Kadence Blocks

As you can see in the above image, GenerateBlocks and Kadence block plugin trends are similar to each other.

I also use some keyword research tools like SEMrush to know which plugin is winning in the comparison on keyword research.

Here are the stats of the GenerateBlocks plugin on Semrush:

GenerateBlocks Review

Similarly, here are the stats of the Kadence blocks plugin on SEMrush:

Kadence Blocks Review

You can see the Kadence blocks plugin has more searches compared to the Generateblocks.

However, the GeneratePress theme has way more searches than the Kadence theme but the GeneratePress blocks plugin is not so popular in terms of searches.

And you will get the reason in the features section of our GenerateBlocks vs Kadence blocks comparison.

Winner: So, the Kadence Blocks is the winner of my Keyword research volume comparison as it has more searches on SEMrush.

Also Read:- Kadence Free vs Pro | In-depth Comparison & Review

Introducing GenerateBlocks & Kadence Blocks

Before going in-depth about my article, you should know each detail of these plugins.

What is GenerateBlocks? – An Overview

Genrateblocks vs Kadence Blocks

Founded by Tom Usborne, GenerateBlocks is a freemium block-based WordPress page builder plugin released on the WordPress repository in February 2020.

Since then Generateblocks has had more than 1,00,000+ active installations with an impressive 5-star rating.

It gives your Gutenberg editor a new level of features with 6 blocks that offer endless possibilities in WordPress design.

There is also a Generateblocks pro version that offers more functionalities.

Not only with the Generatepress theme but the GenerateBlocks plugin works flawlessly with every other premium WordPress theme like Kadence WP, Astra, and Blocksy.

Also Read: GenearatePress Free vs Premium 2024: In-Depth Comparison & Review

What is Kadence Blocks? – An Overview

Generaeteblocks vs kadence blocks

Kadence WP launched the Kadence blocks plugin for Gutenberg in 2018 and now it has 3,00,000+ active installations on the WordPress repository.

This blocks plugin adds a custom blocks option in your Gutenberg editor to extend more capabilities of your Gutenberg editor.

No matter which type of website you are creating, You can create any niche website using the Kadence blocks plugin.

The customization using the Kadence blocks plugin is so easy & powerful. 

There is also a Kadence block pro version that gives you more customization, features, and support.

Here are some Kadence website examples if you want to see how a well-customized Kadence website looks.

GenerateBlocks vs Kadence Blocks Features Compared

Generateblocks vs kadence blocks
GenerateBlocks vs Kadence Blocks: Choose The Right Plugin in 2024 14

In this section of our detailed comparison of GenerateBlock and Kadence Block, I will compare features for both of the block plugins.

GenerateBlocks Features

First, I am going to mention GenerateBlocks free plugin features then I will describe the benefits of the Generateblocks pro plugin.

GenerateBlocks vs Kadence Blocks

Basically, the free version of Generateblocks has four main blocks:

  • Container
  • Grid
  • Headline
  • Buttons

All these blocks are really lightweight and customize any page without using any line of code.

Let’s get into the details of each of the features.

Container (Block): Container block helps you to organize your content into rows and sections. You can type /container to add this block on your WordPress editor. 

Grid (Block): Grid helps you to create advanced layouts with flexible grids. Type /grid to add this into your WordPress block editor.

Headline (Block): Headline block helps you to craft text-rich static or dynamic content with an advanced typography option. Type /headline to add this into your WordPress block editor.

Buttons (Block): Button Block helps you to drive more conversion with beautiful buttons. Type /button to add this into your WordPress block editor.

Image: You can add dynamic or static images to your content by using this image block. Type /image to add this into your WordPress block editor.

Query Loop: Query Loop lets you build a list of posts from any post type. Type /queryloop to add this into your WordPress block editor. 

Block Navigation: When you create lots of blocks, it becomes very messy to select a particular block. This is where block navigation helps you.

While creating any page or writing any blog post, you can see three lines on the top middle of your page.

Basically, block navigation creates a list view of your blocks. This makes it easy to select a particular block rather than clicking on the right place to select the block.

Typography: This component lets you choose from Google or Local fonts and fine-tune every aspect with sizes, weights, and spacing.

Spacing: The spacing component gives you all control on all over your layout. The spacing component includes:

  • Padding (px, em, %) 
  • Margin (px, em, %) 
  • Border size 
  • Border radius (px, em, %) 
  • Outer z-index 
  • Inner z-index

Colors: The color components let you choose the color of your all container, content, or everything.

You can change the color of your content including:

  • Background color 
  • Text Color
  • Border color 
  • Link Color 
  • Link color hover 

Shapes: The shapes component lets you use different types of shapes for your container background.

These are the Generateblocks free plugin features that you will get in the free version of the plugin.

Below are the Generateblocks premium version features.

GenerateBlocks vs Kadence Blocks

Template Library: The Generateblocks pro plugin offers you a template library with over 150 templates you can choose from.

They are adding more templates according to user requirements. These templates save your time from creating anything from scratch.

Advanced Background: The free version also comes with an advanced background however, Generateblocks Pro offers more background features like adding images to your background or creating a gradient background.

Global Style: The global style option lets you create styles that you can use throughout your entire website. 

Effects: This feature of Generateblocks Pro lets you add effects to your on-page elements. You can add transitions, text shadows, filters, or box shadows to your blocks.

Container Links: You can add a beautiful card-type link to your containers with hover options.

Device Visibility: This pro feature lets you hide individual blocks from specific devices.

Custom Attribute: You can use this pro feature to apply any custom data, and attributes to your elements with a simple user interface.

Kadence Blocks Features

In this section of our GenerateBlocks vs Kadence blocks comparison, you will learn all the free and paid features of Kadence blocks. Let’s start with the Kadence free plugin features.

Genrateblocks vs kadence blocks
GenerateBlocks vs Kadence Blocks: Choose The Right Plugin in 2024 15

The Kadence blocks free plugins come with 21+ amazing widgets.

Below is a brief summary of each feature of the Kadence WordPress plugin:

Lottie Animation: This widget lets you use Lottie animations on your website with full control of control animation playback, speeds, and so on.  

Advanced Image: Advanced image lets you use some advanced features on images like spacing, shadows, backgrounds, image links, captions, filter making, etc.

Google Maps: You can embed Google Maps into your website, page, post, or anywhere.

Spacer/Divided: You will get full control of your content spacing and also a divider in (add a line) with custom colors, heights, and widths.

Advanced Buttons: The Advanced buttons give you some advanced features on buttons like background colors, font sizing, hover effects, adding icons, and more.

Count up: For a certain value, you may add an animated count up or count down widget.

Row Layout: Columns can be created within a section. Advanced controls are available for 4 different sorts of columns.

Section: Using this widget, you can import designs from Kadence Starter Templates in 10+ layout options.

Icon: By using this Kadence block plugin feature, you can use icons anywhere in your content.

Advanced Text: Using this widget, you can design a stylish header or paragraph for desktop, tablet, and mobile platforms with total control over font sizes and colors. 

Tabs: create tabs either horizontally or vertically. There are controls for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices independently on each tab, along with a blank canvas that could hold another block.

Info Box: Add media and text to your content by using staff grids or a menu bar with text and icons.

Accordion: builds stunning accordions, such as the FAQs section, with individual controls for the text, typefaces, background pictures, and borders in each window.

Icon List: Uses a block editor to quickly and easily build up an icon list anywhere on your website.

Testimonials: Attractive testimonial parts from a range of pre-defined layouts are displayed.

Advanced Gallery: This widget adds a stunning WordPress slideshow or carousel gallery to your website to showcase images and content.

Form: Creates customized forms with your desired styling, such as adding custom fields or enabling Google ReCaptcha.

Table of Contents: The ability to provide navigation (a table of contents) for your lengthy article. 

Posts: This enables you to place stunning post widgets anywhere inside your blog posts or web pages.

Countdown: With a focus on the urgency of your marketing sales, it shows a timer that is counting down. You can enhance conversions by doing so unintentionally.

Show More: Preview more of the content. The size of the preview may be changed depending on the type of device, and you can also fade out the preview.

So, these are all the Kadence free plugin features that you will get after installing the free plugin. 

You can see Kadence blocks give more free features than Kadence blocks and the variety of features that Kadence gives is far away from Generateblocks.

Let’s get into the details of Kadence Pro Addon features. Here are the Kadence premium widgets (addons):

generateblocks vs kadence blocks

Image Overlay: This widget features complex options like image filters, animation on a scroll, conditional display, and more, as well as a cover picture with the link and hover settings.

Split Content: Allows you to add an image on one side and text on the other side of the row. This function is not possible with default Gutenberg WordPress Blocks.

Post Grid/Carousel: provide you every opportunity to present your blog content in a stylish way. The excerpt title and footer, as well as the layout design, are all customizable.

Model: You can add this completely editable popup to any website and fill the block area with any content you like.

Video Popup: Includes a choice to provide video popups with a gorgeous thumbnail that has overlay and hover effects for internal or external videos.

Advanced Slider: Add dynamic sliders and overlay layers with ease to your post or page.

Portfolio Grid/Carousel: Allows you to add articles that are nicely displayed and have an image-focused portfolio style that can be customized to achieve the precise portfolio appearance you like.

User Info: Provide details about the user who is currently signed in, including gravatar, name, and registration date.

Dynamic List: It has the capacity to show dynamic data, which is crucial for producing content as per requirements.

Dynamic HTML: Add a few tiny HTML codes to the dynamically displayed content, such as bolding, italicizing, or even links.

Below are some of the Additional blocks and Design Features that are the latest additions to the Kadence Premium plugin.

Animate on Scroll: Using on-scroll animation, you may provide your visitors with a lovely experience while engagingly revealing your content.

Custom Icons: With custom icons, you may submit your own unique icon or a group of custom icons, so you’ll never be without the ideal symbol.

Dynamic Content: For effective site control, dynamically include custom fields into your blocks. Excellent for hooked elements.

Custom Fonts: Use the ideal typeface to create the ideal design. Use Adobe Fonts or easily upload a custom font.

Premium Design Library: Get access to all of the starting sites and premium design library products to hasten your growth.

Page-Specific Scripts: You may now add a custom tracking script directly from the editing tools to a single page or post if you need to.

Winner: The winner of the features section is- Kadence Blocks. You can see above that Kadence blocks are free and paid both versions offer lots of features & advanced features but GenerateBlocks customization is totally based on those 6 blocks.

GenerateBlocks vs Kadence Blocks Free & Premium Comparison

So, at this point in my detail, you know each and every feature of Generateblocks and Kadence blocks. 

To better understand you, I am going to create the free vs premium comparison table of Kadence blocks and Generateblocks.

GenerateBlocks Free vs Premium

Blocks & FeatureGenerateBlocks FreeGenerateBlocks Premium
Fast & Mobile Responsive
Advanced Typography
Colors, Backgrounds, and Gradients
Container Block
Grid Block
Headline Block
Image Block
Buttons Block
Query Loop
Supports SVG Icons
Pattern Library
Global Styles
Advanced Background with Effects
Container Links
Asset Library
Copy+Paste Styles
Transition effect
Device Visibility
Custom Attributes

Kadence Blocks Free vs Premium

Blocks & FeatureKadence Blocks FreeKadence Blocks Premium
Fast & Mobile Responsive
Intelligent Load
Layout Controls
Typography Controls
1500+ SVG Icons
Color and Background Controls
Configurable Defaults
Setting Visibility Controls
Spacing Controls
Supports SVG Icons
Animate on Scroll
Custom Icons
Dynamic Content
Custom Fonts
Pro Design Library Items
Page-Specific CSS and JS
Post Grid, Product, Portfolio Grid Carousel
Image Overlay
Split Content
Video Popup
Advanced Slider
Pro Gallery Addons
Pro Countdown Addons
Pro Form Addons

GenerateBlocks vs Kadence Blocks Pros & Cons

In this section of our Genrateblocks vs Kaence Blocks tutorial, I will show you some advantages & disadvantages of these plugins.

Let’s explore it.

GenerateBlocks Pros

Free and Paid, both versions are available.
Very lightweight and mobile responsive.
6 Blocks to customize anything.
Compatible with all WordPress themes & plugins.
Complete control over the layout & design.
Easily create custom page layouts and designs.
Very affordable compared to others.

GenerateBlocks Cons

Very complex and not beginner-friendly.
The website gets a little slow after customizing with this plugin.
It’s a bit limited when it comes to designing layouts.

Kadence Blocks Pros

Free and Paid, versions are available.
The Plugin is very Easy to use.
Beginner Friendly.
Very lightweight and mobile responsive.
21+ blocks are offered in the free version.
Compatible with all WordPress themes & plugins.
Complete control over the layout & design.
Not slow down website speed.
Clean-coded with modern design blocks.
Easily integrate with LearnDash, Lifter LMS, and Easy Digital Downloads.
Works great with wooCommerce.

Kadence Blocks Cons

The pricing is a little high.

Pricing & Plans of GenerateBlocks & Kadence Blocks

If you are reading this line you may definitely be interested in getting at least one blocks plugin for your website.

In this section of my detailed tutorial, I am going to mention all pricing structures of the GenerateBlocks vs Kadence blocks plugin.

GenerateBlocks Pricing

Generateblocks vs kadence blocks

GenerateBlocks comes with three different plans with different features. If you want to unlock more features of this blocks plugin you should definitely buy one premium plan.

Here are the details of the Generateblocks plans:

Personal Plan: This plan is the basic plan of the Generateblocks plugin which costs you $39 for one year of updates & support. The personal plan is only for one website.

You will get all the premium features of Generateblocks mentioned above.

Plus Plan: The Plus plan costs you $69 for one year and you can use this plugin on up to 10 websites. This is the best plan for those who want to install this plugin on more than one website.

Professional Plan: The Professional plan is for agencies and WordPress developers who have clients around the world. This plan costs you $99 per year and you can install this license on up to 100 websites.

Kadence Blocks Pricing

Kadence block pricing
GenerateBlocks vs Kadence Blocks: Choose The Right Plugin in 2024 16

The Kadence blocks pricing is really amazing, you can access lots of other Kadence products like the Kadence pro theme & pro starter templates.

You can access the Kadence blocks plugin in four different ways. The best thing about Kadence blocks is you can use this plugin on unlimited websites.

Here are the details of each Kadence block plan and pricing.

Kadence Bocks Pro:  The Kadence Pro plan comes with $69 for one-year updates and support. You will get Custom Pro Blocks, Pro Addons to Kadences Blocks, Dynamic Content, Custom Icons & Fonts, and a Premium Design library in this plan.

Essential Bundle: Kadence also offers a bundle that includes some other products of KadenceWP. The Essential bundle costs you $129 per year which includes all the pro block features, Kadence pro theme, Pro starter templates, and Kadence custom fonts.

Full Bundle: The Kadence full bundle includes all products of KadenceWP as well as all future products. The full bundle costs you $199 for a year of updates & support.

Lifetime Deal: There is also a lifetime deal available which means you have to pay once to get access to all the Kadence products and future products.

Kadence lifetime deal costs you $799 (One-time payment) for lifetime support and updates. This plan includes all the features and products of the full bundle for a lifetime period.

GenerateBlocks vs Kadence Blocks

Note: Use our coupon code WIREFRAME to get an additional 15% discount on the Kadence lifetime deal.

Also Read:- Spectra Page Builder Review: Best Page Builder Plugin Ever?

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

What is Geneateblocks?

Genereteblocks is a block-based plugin for the Gutenberg editor that was developed by Tom Usborne. You can design any page or post using this plugin from scratch.

What is Kadence Blocks?

Kadence Blocks is also a blocks plugin for the WordPress Gutenberg editor. This is the most advanced blocks plugin for the Gutenberg editor. It works really well with all WordPress themes.

Which free version is best between Generateblocks vs Kadence Block?

The Kadence free version gives you more customization options compared to the Generateblocks. However, you can unlock more by purchasing the premium plugin.

Is Kadence Pro worth it?

Yes, Kadence Pro is definitely worth your money as the plugin provides some really good features for your website. It costs you only $69 per year.

Does the Kadence block work without the Kadence theme?

Yes, Kadence Gutenberg Blocks is compatible with all the most popular WordPress themes and page builders in the industry.

Is there any money-back guarantee?

GenerateBlocks and Kadence Block both offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.

GenerateBlocks vs Kadence Blocks 2024: The Winner Is?

After comparing these two plugins, I can say Kadence Blocks provides more features (both Kadence Blocks Free and Pro) compared to Generateblocks.

Kadence blocks can remove all your page builder plugins from your website if page speed really matters to you.

I recommend you to go with the Kadence Blocks plugin over Generateblocks as it offers various useful features in free and paid both of their versions.

If this comparison tutorial really changes your mind then you should read my GeneratePress vs Kadence comparison also.

Not even Kadence Blocks but the Kadence theme also gives unbeatable features even in their free version.

If you have any queries about my GenerateBlocks vs Kadence Blocks tutorial, feel free to ask me in the comments box.

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